MonitUp User Guide: Maximize Your Productivity with Easy Setup and Powerful Features

First, you need to download the application. The installation process is quite simple; just run the application and enter your registered email address. We recommend restarting your computer after installation.

Getting Started

A few minutes after installation, you should see the computer name on the Dashboard screen. If you don't see the computer on the Dashboard screen after installation, you should restart your computer.

To use MonitUp more effectively, it's a good idea to check a few things:

  • Working Hours: If you're using the Premium package, you can set your working hours. This way, MonitUp will only be active during working hours.
  • Application Categories: You can categorize the applications used in your company as efficient, inefficient, and neutral. This way, all productivity reports will be created according to the categories you specify.
  • Screenshots: Screen captures come inactive by default, but you can activate this feature for any user you wish.

Let's get to know the screens:

A few minutes after installation, you should see the computer name on the Dashboard screen. If you don't see the computer on the Dashboard screen after installation, you should restart your computer.

To use MonitUp more effectively, it's a good idea to check a few things:

  • Dashboard: On this screen, you can see the computers where MonitUp is running. You can also see the computer's Department, IP, Online status, last online date, daily, weekly, and monthly total working times. At the bottom left, you can see the list of computers that consume the most CPU and RAM, have the least free space on the C drive, and cause the most traffic on the network. The main purpose of showing this data is to detect computers experiencing performance slowdown due to excessive resource consumption on the hardware side, and to detect computers causing excessive traffic on the network because they pose a security risk.

    In the pie chart on the right, you will see the top 5 most used applications daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

  • PC Dashboard : On the top left screen, you can see what time the user opened the computer, how much time they didn't spend at the computer, and when they closed the computer.

    Just below, you can see how much time they spent on productive, unproductive, neutral, and total activities according to the categories you specified. On the pie chart on the right, you can see the top 5 applications they used that day.

    At the bottom, you can see productivity data by hour. At the very bottom, you can see how much time the user spent on each application and website during the day. You can search and export this data to Excel.

  • Screen Time: On this page, you can see how many hours the user worked each day and in total, and how much time they spent on each application. For example, if your team member is a software developer, you can see how much time they spent on each project. You can also share the Screen Time screen with your employee. This way, they can see how they spent their time and become part of the game.
  • Open/Close Time List: This screen works like a time tracking system. It records when the user opened and closed the computer. This way, especially remote or hybrid teams can track their arrival and departure times.
  • Screenshots: Screen captures come inactive by default, but you can activate this feature for any employee you wish. Since we value employees' personal information, we randomly take low-quality screen captures every 5 minutes. You'll know what the employee is doing at that time, but you won't be able to read the text on the screen. This way, you'll know what the employee is doing. However, if you need more frequent or higher-quality screen captures, please contact us. The screen capture feature is not available in the Screen Time package and can only be used in the Freelancer and Premium packages. We keep screen captures for 3 months. You can look back if there was a problem in the past.
  • PC Performances: Just as we track the user's daily computer usage activities, we also track their computer's RAM, CPU, and disk usage rates. This way, if there is a hardware-related productivity issue, you can track it and intervene before receiving a complaint.
  • PC List: On this screen, you can see information about the computers in the system. You can see the computer name, User name, Department Name, E-Mail, Free space on the C drive, Ram, IP Address, Received data, Sent data, Online status, last data flow date, last computer restart date, application version, panel access, and assigned package information.

    When you click on the Settings icon on the right, you'll see 3 menus. Panel Access, Edit, Delete.
    Panel Access: If you want to share the employee's data with them, you can do so through this menu. But first, you need to enter the employee's email address through the Edit menu. This way, when you give permission to access the panel, the employee will receive an email to log in to MonitUp and see their productivity reports.
    Edit: You can update the employee's E-Mail address, Name, and Package information from this screen.
    Delete: You can use this menu to delete the computer from the system. The deleted computer will no longer appear on any screen in the system.

  • Task Manager: On this screen, you can see all the applications in the Task Manager's Detail tab, how much Ram and Cpu they are using. This way, you can see applications that consume too many resources on the computer. You can also monitor and take precautions against risky applications that should not be running in your company. MonitUp does not intervene at any point, it only monitors and reports.
  • Web Sites: On this screen, you can see which websites the employees visited on the specified date and how much time they spent on them.
  • Notification Detail List: You can set up notifications in the Freelancer and Premium packages. You can add an application or word that you do not want to run on the system or that you do not want to be used as a notification. So if one of these applications is running on one of the computers in the system or if one of these words is mentioned, it will be reflected in the notification report.


  • Freelance Work: You can use this screen if you have purchased the Freelancer package. The Freelancer package is for freelancers working for your company or for project-based businesses like agencies. First, you need to select the freelancer from the PC List page and assign this package to them from the "Edit" menu. Then you need to press the "New Work" button to create a job for the freelancer. You can set a maximum weekly working time for the freelancer for this job. You also need to select the freelancer who will do this job. This way, when the freelancer runs MonitUp, unlike other packages, an interface will open, and they will see the jobs assigned to them.


  • Productivity Report: In this report, you can see the productive, unproductive, neutral, and total working hours of employees between two dates and export it to Excel.
  • Manager Report: In this report, you can see the summary report of your entire company or department for the past year. You can see average arrival and departure times, productivity values by month, top 10 most used applications, and top 10 least used social media summaries. The purpose of this report is for you to take an x-ray of your company or departments and create awareness if there is a problem.
  • Notification Duration Report: With this report, you can quickly see the summary of the words or applications you set as notifications. This way, you can quickly determine which employee, day, and time you need to check.
  • AI Productivity Insights: In this screen, we monitor employees' weekly computer usage activities and habits and provide them with AI recommendations to be more productive.
  • App Usage Report: With this report, you can manage your renewals and identify unused licenses in your company to save money. For example, if you have a paid application that you renew every year. You can access information about how many employees are using this application, at what rate, and how often by looking at the past year. This way, you can avoid renewing unused licenses.


  • Working Hours: If you are using the Premium package, you can determine your company's working hours. This way, MonitUp will only work during these hours. MonitUp will not track when the employee goes home and watches a movie on their computer. There is no hourly filter in the Screen Time package. It will work as long as the computer is on.
  • Notification List: You can add and delete notifications from this screen. If there are applications in your company that should not be running or words that would be harmful if used. Or if there is an application or word you want to know about when used, you can add it by pressing the "New Notification" button.
  • Departments: You can specify departments in your company and assign employees to these departments on this screen.


  • Billing: You can use this screen to make payments. We do not store credit card information, we use the Stripe infrastructure. Stripe keeps your card and automatically charges you when the payment is due. You can try it for free for 7 days and cancel your subscription anytime.

Download the App

  • Download: This is the page where you downloaded the application. You need to install the application on computers for MonitUp to work. You only need to install it once, we automatically do system improvements and updates.

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