7 Ways Employee Monitoring Tools Improve Productivity

The most effective businesses are always thinking of ways to improve team productivity. When employees are at their optimal best, organizations achieve more collectively as well. They improve in several aspects, including employee happiness, work engagement, and even profitability.

One way to actively improve your employees’ productivity is to use employee monitoring software. Some companies and staff might be opposed to using employee monitoring because of the notion that it encourages micromanagement. But with the right parameters and goals, there are many benefits to using employee monitoring tools for your company’s overall productivity.

Here are seven of the most significant advantages your business or team can have if you use employee monitoring tools.

1. Track Results

Employee monitoring tools can be great resources for measuring productivity. We should use them to track and monitor output, not input. For example, many companies tend to use employee monitoring to track hours worked and base an employee’s productivity on that. But the same employee can spend two hours on a task that takes most personnel four hours to complete. 

When we have monitoring tools and a culture of tracking output, we can better monitor individual and collective results. Accordingly, we can amplify results-driven factors by putting incentives for performance, which leads us to the second benefit.

2. Determine and Incentivize Achievers

When we train employees to track their time and measure results, we can track which employees perform best. Accordingly, we can reward performers by incentivizing them to celebrate those wins. 

Those incentives don’t have to be expensive. Sometimes they can be simple but still, make performing employees feel appreciated. Some ideas for incentives to give to your top performers include: 

  • Additional paid time off
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Small gifts that won’t break the bank
  • Casual dress code permissions
  • Free snacks and beverages
  • A Spa day
  • Small referral bonuses
  • And many more

3. Eliminate Time-eaters

Using an employee monitoring system can help eliminate or minimize time-eaters like unproductive projects, outdated tasks, or work distractions. A whopping 98% of employees admit that they’re distracted at least 3 to 4 times a day. Those distractions lead to a loss of productive work time and more human error, with reports showing employees commit 2 to 3 times more errors when they’re distracted. 

Employee monitoring tools can help determine those distractions and find avenues to eliminate them. Some tracking tools have blockers for distractive websites like social media platforms or non-work chat applications. 

4. Determine Growth Factors

On the other side of the employee monitoring equation, these tools can also help determine the activities and tasks that do help employees, teams, and companies grow. You can track sales calls that convert, marketing campaigns that bring engagement and work activities and meetings that engage your workforce.

Some employee monitoring tools can even integrate with bookkeeping software to determine profitable activities or teams. Here’s a list of bookkeeping software list and comparison of bookkeeping tools you can use alongside your employee monitoring tools. 

5. Build Accountability

The best employee monitoring software and management policies will build accountability, not micromanagement. There’s a very fine line between the two, but they’re worlds apart from each other. 

Accountability enables employees to feel a personal responsibility to drive results for an organization. It lets teams collaborate and connect so they can achieve more together. Monitoring tools help amplify that goal by giving measurable data to show how well an employee or team is progressing through key performance metrics and work goals.

To build accountability, you’ll also need to pair up tools with the right company culture. Instill an atmosphere of collaboration and camaraderie. Get teams to synergize by running team-building activities and vulnerability exercises. These, among many other things, build the necessary trust to encourage individual accountability.

6. Evaluate Performance

Using remote employee monitoring software helps human resource managers and teams evaluate employee performance. This is a necessary step to determine leadership succession by seeking out employees that deserve promotions based on performance. With more quantitative data, you award raises and promotions to people who deserve it most, effectively lowering workplace bureaucracy.

These evaluation tools can also be great coaching opportunities. Up to 60% of employees report wanting regular feedback from managers. Among younger employees, that number rises to 72%. Employees highly value coaching and evaluation, activities we can implement when we have tools like employee monitoring software to do that.

7. Create Upskill Opportunities

Lastly, employee monitoring tools give you a screenshot of areas where your team might need more training. For example, if you determine through employee monitoring tools that customer service representatives spend too long de-escalating irate staff, provide training programs for this scenario. 

You can use learning management systems like Moodle to deliver those training programs on demand. Check out other Moodle alternatives as well if you need other options.

Implementation is Key

All this to say, there are many benefits employee monitoring tools provide to an organization. So check out an employee monitoring software list and see which one you can use for your company. With employee monitoring, we can track what matters so we can scale and improve what matters as well.

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